Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Oh Man! I am at Oman

It is lunch time here and a good time to blog. Lunch time is pretty long over here 13.00hrs to 15:30 hrs. Most of the people go home to have lunch and a snooze if not a smooch! :) I am told that due to intensive heat during summers this kind of long break is required. Start early at around 07:30 or 08:00 hrs break for a lunch and siesta and then again work. Govt. and some pvt offices work in one single shift starting still early.

Today received long mail and long awaited too from Henkumar giving Indian Market news. Seems the things have accelerated after I left. Or is it that when you look at things from outside they appear faster.

One Dr.Gupte (happens to be my class mate's brother-in-law) called up to say hello. Have not met him yet but had a long chat and lo! he turned out from Bhandarkar Road, Pune. Instantly I was visualising myself in Deccan area. Getting homesick hah!

Tomorrow Shabana and Javed are coming from Bombay for presenting a show on Faiz Ahmed Faiz. Show is all booked and could not secure any ticket.

Yesterday had been to the Muscat Festival at Qurum. The mascot is an Omani girl which you can see in the pic. This month long festival is held by govt at two locations every year. This is basically to showcase Omani heritage. Apart from Oman, other Arabian countries also put up their heritage. Elaborate Omani village has been created with actual Souq (meaning Market in Arabi). Water moat pulled by men and bullocks, Omani halwais, wood, metal and terracotta craftsmen were all actually making things and selling.

There were lot of women making dosa like crepes with flour topping with egg spread. Dumplings like gulabjamun etc. Most popular is Omani halwa- which is like one phase earlier to Karachi/Bombay halwa whcih we get back home. Very tasty with lots of ghee and nuts and takes lot of time to make. The pic shows halwa being made in huge Copper Pot.

I liked the weavers stalls of Sudan and Jordan and the Siver Khanjar's of Yemen. Irani Carpets were fabulous.Pottery remainded of Blue Pottery from India and Metal work similiar to Bidri work. The traditional way of girls dressing with all glittering gold on the head and the wear I have seen in Kerala muslims also. Kerala has been long associated with this part much before the Gulf Migration got in vogue.


Anonymous said...

Test comment.

Anonymous said...

I must admit that the blog has not impacted the way this comment from shilpi (is he he or is she he or is he she or is she he?????)has.

by reading the comment she is definitely she.

I am just wondering what would be the comments i get when i write blogs.